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How To Contribute

Whether if you're technical or not, there are many ways to help improve the addon!

🐛 Bug Reports

If you experience any functionality that breaks or otherwise causes undesired effects, please make a Bug Report.

✨ Feature Requests

Not every possible feature has been planned nor considered, so if you feel there's something you would love to see please submit a Feature Proposal.

⌨️ Addon Contributions

If you're technically savy and would like to help making the addon better then code contributions are very welcome!

Large Changes


  • New features
  • Reworking how something works
  • Small changes that has system wide implications

Please do raise a Feature Proposal or Bug Report prior to committing to any work or submitting any PRs. This is just to be aligned on the goal and avoid anyone who wish to help spending time on things that might not get merged in the end.

If a bug report or feature proposal already exists and isn't in the current milestone, then please leave a comment on it and do have a go at it!

Minor Changes


  • Minor code changes that only affect specific area(s)
  • Bug fixes
  • Typos

Feel free to submit a PR with any minor changes without raising a ticket. Even small things helps a lot!

📃 Documentation Contributions

✍️ Text changes

If you spot a typo or other minor text issue, then please feel free to submit a PR with a correction!

For easy editing, each page has a link at the bottom that jumps to the corresponding GitHub editing page.

⌨️ Code changes

Excluding typos, to make changes that affects the site directly, such as the config files, Vue components or CSS, it's recommended to run the site locally using your preferred IDE.

The documentation site is using VitePress (Vue 3). It uses TypeScript, vanilla CSS and run using pnpm (as opposed to npm or yarn).

This site's GitHub repository can be found here.

Future Contribution Guide

There is plan to provide a codebase overview of the addon once it has reached a more mature stage, likely in version 1.0. The intent of it is to provide an easier onboarding flow to understand how all the scripts work and where to look to do specific things.